Hoorah for the MIRACLE OF BRACES! And WOO-YEAH for free braces!! I didn't "really need" braces but they truned out to be free just because I work for a dentist! A nice little perk. too bad I can't get anyone else a discount though. I am ghostly white in my after because I stopped doing the fake n' bake tanning booths last summer to obey my grama sue and extend my life! But you got to admit i look a lot better brown than albino. I can hear the humm of the tanning bulbs tempting me........
Here is A little back ground history on my "secret tooth" as it was nicknamed because ONE- it did not grow in until i was about 16. TWO- You could not see it at all. I talked, laughed, smiled and yawned and my lip covered it perfectly so it was always hidden (thank goodness) LASTLY- because of my pridefull embarassment I kept this little defect to myself because it was so gross and ugly and along with my long-darwin arms it was sure to draw a croud. Anyway Katie named it "the secret tooth" and I only shared it with a select few. So if you saw it in its snaggle stage--consider yourself one of my trusted friends. yay for you. I have straight teeth now and I gained a few years, aging in seconds because I no longer look like a 12 girl anymore! Yay-hoo. After a short 14 months of being the tin-grin, Metal Mouth, train tacks, brace-face, tinsel teeth, jaws and i even heard zipper lips once and not to mention all the rejection I felt as the little kids were scared and run away from me. I survived it and it was super worth every bit of food stuck in my brackets to have my new fantiastic smile!!! Thanks to DR LARABEE now I can finally smile, smile, smile with complete confidence and EAT bread at last! And now my little canine that was stuck behind my lip can enjoy life ubove the lip and feel the sunshine and experince everything a tooth should.
Oh joy! I get to be the first ever in history to leave you a comment on your blog!
I am so very pleased you rescued your secret tooth from obscurity, but you are one gorgeous Darwinian babe no matter where your teeth fall.
You look great Chels. But I will say I am sad to see my old friend "Secret Tooth" leave. :(
kiki, don't be mistaken, secret tooth didn't leave, it's just arrived! Some secrets are better left a secret, but not this one. now you can see canine, tooth #27 whenever you want to--just ask me to smile
And what a BEAUTIFUL one it is!!!! LYLAS!
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