Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Bi-DOG-raphy of Prince Murph.

Feeling left out, because

I got NO human kids to brag about (like the rest of you bloggers),

i've decided to tell about my "son".

He is my dog.
A Pure-bread, A.K.C certified Yorkshire Terrier,
A costly investment,
A pain in the tookus, at times,
A JOY and a PLEASURE, at other times,
And a TREASURED member of our FAMILY

His full and legal name is
Here is a brief BI-DOG-RAPHY of his special, precious, darling, adorable, to-die-for, angelic, priceless little doggy life.
Born on July 23, 2004
His dad's name was King Pillow Climber
so that makes him a bona-fide PRINCE.
and nicci's voice for him was mexican so he got the suffix De Ricardo
here he is as a pup, in his crate. He loves his crate.
in the beginning he was so cute, with dark hair on his head, He was very hyper active and loved to be the center of attention.
he looked a lot more innocent too (probably because he was)

As time passed his hair got whiter which is the ideal coloring for yorkies
(he looks like he's high in this picture)

His best friend and CRATE-MATE is

the moment Murphy laid eyes on this little doll and saw her silly GRIN
IT WAS love at first sight!
(SOPHIE belongs to DARCY/MOM. and is freak adorable)

These two pups, Murph and Soph couldn't live without the other
(although Sophie is always violating Murphy which seems weird.
I'd post a picture to prove it but Spencer said it was inappropriate for young minds,
so i won't. But i do think Sophie has issues and needs professional counseling.)

and THIS is Murphy's PET,

SARA is the best pet ever, they really do love her.

Who ever coined the phrase "its a dog's life" meaning that a dog's life was easy-peasy with no worries did not live with Taylor or London.

Taylor is guilty of making Murphy LEARY, DEFENSIVE and NERVOUS around children
because he was so mean to him as a puppy (and still is).
(and i can't fix it as long as taylor's around)
but LONDON, on the other hand, LOVES the pups TO DEATH
its so cute, but kinda sad when the dogs panic and squeal in fright.

but it's PURE in intent, she just wants to give the puppy some LOVE!

MURPHY'S FAVORITE THINGS ARE................................

To go on walks to the park and bark at birds, bark at people, bark at the wind, back mom up and bark at Taylor when he's being disciplined (I think this is Payback for the torture). He enjoys chasing the garden-hose and bite the stream of water, run around and around the pool for hours on end while the kids swim, give kisses, to be petted and scratched on his neck, follow MOM wherever she goes and lick her hair when she's sleeping, go psychotic when he sees the vacuum even when turned off, roll around the floor after a bath, hide from me at bed time,
and Probably his most favorite thing to do is also the most Naughty, and that is when he gets into the trash. BUT it's funny too because he lays out the dirty paper plates on the floor in a perfect row and then licks them clean. (this is such a weird thing to walk in on!)

Murphy is overall a very good dog. He does suffer from Little-dog Syndrome and puts a tough act on sometimes but he is super Loyal and Devoted to our Family.
and i can't imagine life with out the little booger.

and that is Murphy.


Katie said...

I do recall you having an affair last night with our dog Z.Ooops.. did Murphy not know? Sorry!

Anonymous said...

i told murphy about chelsea's affair with zena already. he's filing for a divorce. he's been thinking about leaving chels for mom anyway, this just made his decision easier.

look what i found!
i look high- check out that hair!

As Told By Molly said...

Thanks for understanding London's tough love.

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Chels it's funny how much you and Murphy have in common. haha!

Darcy & Nathan Parrish said...

Bahhhhhh!!!!!! How could Murph betray Her Royal Highness Sophie!?!?!?!?

Whitney Johnson said...

Hey Chels. post a comment on my blog( when you've got the water hole pictures!!! by the way, my sunburn is SO BAD!! i am practically a crippled lobster :) and how is beth's knee? talk to ya later!

Jack and Nicci said...

Don't feel bad Chels, I'm a kidless blogger now as well. We should start a group.

Nic xx